Tonight, on Tucker Carlson, Tucker reported on how Google is using its market power to silence conservatives and shutdown free speech on conservative website. Google is holding the conservative websites responsible for the comments placed by their users while at the same time Google is protected by the CDA Section 230 from being held responsible for the content and comments of its users.
As our Senator we depend on you to represent our interests. It seems like many GOP Representatives and Senators continue to either focus on issues in foreign lands or non-issues here at home while their voters are harassed, silenced, and impoverished.
It’s time for Google and the rest of Big Tech to be held accountable. There needs to be a fair playing field. If Google doesn’t give conservative websites immunity then Google should not have immunity. If Google will hold conservative websites responsible for the comments of its users then Google needs to be held responsible for the content and comments of its users.
Best regards,
Steven Ramos
Lehighton, PA