Category: Letters

Speech, Not Race, Changes Minds

ISSUE: Freedom of Speech, Protection for Legal and Political Speech The speech rights of Americans are being violated by corporations. This has led me to ask some questions. Are restaurants allowed to discriminate against me because I am Puerto Rican? Are they allowed to discriminate against me because I’m brown or because I’m male or…
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Losing the Election

ISSUES: Elections, Enthusiasm, Surrender We find ourselves at a pivotal moment. Mobs rioting, Democratic officials nullifying laws and resisting federal support in stopping the riots, and in at least one case the Democratic Mayor of Seattle allowing an area of her city to secede from the union. It has even been celebrated by her as…
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Preservation of our history

ISSUE: Preservation of our history, consequences for mob rioting, consequences for official acquiescence The mob is toppling statues to our nation’s past and Democratic mayors and governors are allowing it. More and more States, municipalities, and universities are allowing the tearing down of statues and memorials. They started with those who played a role in…
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CDA Section 230 and Google’s Violations

Tonight, on Tucker Carlson, Tucker reported on how Google is using its market power to silence conservatives and shutdown free speech on conservative website.  Google is holding the conservative websites responsible for the comments placed by their users while at the same time Google is protected by the CDA Section 230 from being held responsible…
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